How to Brew
We dialed in the optimal brewing recipes for Imunika as a pour-over or espresso. We recommend starting with these guidelines and then adjusting to suit your personal taste, allowing you to craft your ideal first cup experience.
Are you a beginner brewer? Don't worry. Thanks to our fermentation, the extraction has become more stable than ever. Achieve your perfect cup with Imunika, whether that’s a well-balanced espresso, smooth pour-over, silky French Press, rich Moka Pot, or refreshing cold brew coffee.

For Pour-Over:
1:15 ratio, 14 grams of coffee to 210 grams of water.
SETUP - Place filter in your manual drip brewer and rinse with hot water. (Kalita, Hario V60, Origami, Melitta, etc.)
GRIND - Medium-fine grind 14 grams of Imunika beans. (approx. 0.6mm)
BOIL - Heat water to 195-205ºF (90-96ºC)
POUR - Circle-pour 210g of water gently in stages (50g, 80g, 80g.)
Wait for each pour to drain before starting the next. Complete in 3 minutes.
ENJOY - Discard the filter and enjoy freshly brewed Imunika!

For Espresso:
14 grams of coffee in, 50 milliters of espresso out.
SETUP - Preheat the espresso machine grouphead with a water flush.
GRIND - Fine grind 14 grams of Imunika beans. (approx. 0.3mm)
TAMP - Evenly distribute the ground coffee in the portafilter and tamp firmly.
BREW - Extract for 25 seconds (+/- 5s) to yield about 50ml of espresso.
ENJOY - Immediately enjoy the Imunika double shot!